Saturday, 25 Jul 2020

Person Woman Man Camera TV  

Sarah Cooper with words from the mouth of Trump, you can't make this shit up.

Sunday, 9 Feb 2020

20 Designs that inspired the modern world  

While many would disagree with some of these selections, its still an interesting look at some of the objects that have influenced design today.

Thursday, 6 Feb 2020

How to break Google Maps  

A German man with a trolley full of phones running Google Maps managed to create a fake traffic jam.

I seriously want to try this outside our house, say every morning between 7 and 9am.

Tuesday, 14 Jan 2020

A Decade of Apple  

A great summary of every major event at Apple over the last ten years. Just today we were talking about the Apple vs Flash showdown, it only seems like yesterday.

Wednesday, 9 Oct 2019

BMW Painted a car so black you can't see it  

BMW recently painted an X6 model car entirely in Vantablack, a material so black it absorbs 99.96% of light causing surfaces to lose all definition and depth. I have no idea why they did this other than to say they did it, but its pretty cool even if it will never be driven on a public road!

Friday, 30 Aug 2019

Apparently we're the ones moving  

Watching this freaks me out - I know we live on a planet that's constantly spinning through space, but we don't ever notice it, ever. However photographer Eric Brummel found a simple way to remind us of this fact.

By using a star-tracker on his camera, he created a time-lapse of the night sky in California where the sky and the Milky Way remain still and the earth moves. Check it out.