Thursday, 5 Jun 2014

Andy Ihnatko on Swift

Andy Ihnatko talking about Swift on the MacBreak Weekly podcast (around the 1:16:30 mark):

But it really does make the tent a lot bigger, I think now that Apple kind of stopped boasting about the number of apps that are available for it, they really want to foster the sort of apps they want to put in a commercial. Because that’s where the strength of the App Store is, these apps that are beautiful, they are pretty, even though they do just one thing they do something spectacular that you wish you had thought of because it is such an elegant solution to a real world problem – and when you have a programming language that’s not as intimidating as Objective-C, that means that you’re tapping into the creativity of a much larger range of developers out there.

I hope he’s right. I think he’s spot on when it comes to opening the app store up to a much larger range of developers, but I’m not convinced that the improved simplicity of the Swift language and the expected increase in developers will necessarily result in a noticeable improvement in the standard of apps sold in the App Store. It may well have the opposite effect.

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